This week, do something just for You! For around one and a half hours, enjoy music, fun, happiness, physical movement and the company of others.

As a society, we are currently experiencing an epidemic of social isolation and loneliness, exacerbated by the effects of COVID-19. Our dance sessions are intended to address this societal issue and prevent further harm to both our mental and physical health, by growing healthy social connections in the community through dance. If you are currently experiencing social isolation or loneliness, we think you will benefit greatly from attending our dance sessions. You need no dance experience and it doesn't matter whether you are young or old. The intention is to have fun, to bring a smile to your face and for you to see smiling faces all around you.

Our session facilitator will guide everyone in moves to express themselves freely, without dance rules or formal steps. You will never need to feel you are doing something right or wrong. Instead we will encourage you to express your feelings in movement.

Don't worry if you live with a disability. You will be able to express yourself and the group will interact with you however you say you are comfortable with.

Here are dates, times and Inner West location details.  It helps to let us know the session you are coming to.  But our most important thought is — we want to spread fun, joy, wellness and social connection in our community.