You don't have to book, but it helps if you do    That way we can tell you of any last minute changes to the session (which sometimes happens).   First session: always FREE, 2nd and following sessions: employed $20, pension / disability  card $10*, student or Job Seeker card $5.  Couples: $15 / $8 / $5 each person.

Ask for your free ticket when you introduce a friend to our sessions.  Ages 13 and over, 13-16 must be accompanied by adult.

 *the carer of an attendee living with disability may attend for free.

The location is: Herb Greedy Hall, 79 Petersham Road, Marrickville  NSW  2204.  More information here.

Normally 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Sessions start at 7.15pm. Current dates are:

September 17th

October 1st

October 15th

November 5th

To book, do one of the following:

a) send a text with your first name and session date to

mkd phone
b) book your session ticket at Humanitix (including for first free session).

Thank you. We're looking forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, ideas, or comments please contact us.