Interested in a new, unique vision with high social impact?  Are you moved by hope for a healthier and happier society?

At no time in history have so many humans lived alone as today in our Western countries. The aged and persons living with mental or physical disability are often by themselves. But living alone is now increasingly true for adults in any age group.

Loneliness and social isolation are significant risk factors for death (some graphic evidence below1).  They are as important as alcohol, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet. The issue so important that the US Surgeon General this year announced a national initiative2 to address it for their nation. And yet, apart from child and community sports programs, loneliness and social isolation are not a priority for government or corporate investment here.

Life Dance Community can bring joy and social connection to our society. The goal is to create connected and cohesive groups within which permanent individual close friendships can develop and be nurtured. A specific dance methodology is the process.

You might be interested in philanthropy with high social impact or charitable giving that makes a difference here in Australia. Perhaps you are a business or corporation with ESG goals and an interest in social capital or an individual looking to make a significant donation (see note 3 below). You may want to fund a unique startup venture to effectively address intractable social issues. You might have a philosophy which centres on catalytic philanthropy, or maybe a foundation that wants partnership and collective decision making with the social enterprises you invest in.

You will want to help organisations and people that take responsibility, are passionate about making positive change in the community and that strive for long term sustainability, scalability, best practice and continuous improvement. You will be interested in new ideas.

We are looking for a partner or partners who will invest a minimum of $25,000 in total. This seed funding will be enough for us to establish the organisation and fund operations for the first year (more information here). If you are interested in giving us a helping hand to realise this vision, tell us what you would like in return. Our thoughts include:


  • acknowledgement of your support on our website, social media presence and printed materials
  • opportunities for your staff to volunteer
  • dance events for your staff for fun, morale and team / relationship building
  • powerful source material to use in raising awareness of your organisation's positive social impact (our sessions create beautiful photographs!)


Inspired? Contact us. We would love to visit you and chat more. If you want a formal pitch, we have that too.


1.  This article provides graphic evidence of the effects of social isolation and loneliness:


2. May 23. US Surgeon General intiative announcement.


3.  We are currently able to accept personal donations from residents of New South Wales and Victoria only.

We are a registered charity, however donations are not tax deductible for individuals and may not be possible for some philanthropic organisations as we do not have DGR status with the Australian Taxation Office.